Sunday, February 24, 2013

D'Jesus Uncrossed vs Jesus Crossed: The Ultimate Revenge

In my  life-long quest to be like St. Mary Magdalene’s “Constant Woman” and imitate her love for Christ, I feel impelled to weigh in on the D’Jesus Uncrossed debate regarding the Saturday Night Live skit which aired a couple of weeks ago.

Yes, it was sick and offensive, but the reason it hit so many nerves was because it was just so wrong!  The talking heads on the news channels argue the double standard of offending Christians with ease but hesitating to do the same to Muslims and Jews but I am sure members of both those religions can find many examples of the same type of persecution.

Perhaps the reason it strikes more harshly with Jesus is because the message of this skit flies in the face of Truth. It is precisely in being “crossed” that our Lord wreaks His revenge.

The Passion Cross, called so aptly a sign of contradiction, conquered violence by accepting violence. All of humanity's sinfulness past, present and future was heaped onto our Lord's body during His Passion as the price for our souls.  Instead of dishing it out, He simply took it . . . . for us.

Jesus Christ came down from His lofty throne at the right hand of God, the Father where He was glorified and worshiped 24/7. He willingly out of love for His Father and for us put Himself into the hands of His creatures for one simple reason: we had gotten it all wrong and needed to know that God desires charity not vengeance, even if waged in His name.  God wants us to know He loves us and as His creation we are also to love.

That is why this skit was just so wrong because though Jesus is fully man, He is also fully God and therefore incapable of the actions portrayed.  Our souls cry out in the face of such offense against God.

So instead of engaging in the same offense, let us Christians seek revenge by praising God for giving us His Son for our salvation. Let us forgive those ignorant SNL writers and actors because it is obvious they know not what they do. Let us admonish them in charity, pray for them in community and humbly draw them to God’s Mercy.  

And let us always boast of Christ Crucified and the reason for our hope.

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