Friday, March 30, 2012

Jesus, I Trust In You - How Practical!

Sometimes, I just don't know what to think.  I try to be well rounded and read and watch both sides of an issue.  Both sides seem so confident in what they say, they both have facts, figures and statistics trip off their tongue. They all seem just so sure;  but their views are completely opposite!

So who am I supposed to believe?  On the recommendation from an email I received encouraging everyone to say, "Jesus, I trust in You" ten times a day, I have begun to notice a tiny voice cutting through the chaos.

I just love the way God works!  He takes me at my word and answers my prayer.  I find myself cultivating a new habit asking Jesus,  "What is reality here?" when I read divisive issues.

I  am noticing already that I am becoming more intuitive about searching for character and for seeking in me what wants to believe one side over another.  I find I am more at peace and not immediately jumping to one side or another and getting dizzy in the process.  I feel engaged, but apart.

The big picture comes to mind and I see myself now wondering what is the agenda here and what is the motivation?  Is it pure or self-serving?

 Don't you just love it when you realize you asked the right question?

Monday, March 26, 2012

Anticipating Mary's Yes

Imagine the nervous anticipation in Heaven in that few seconds between the time Gabriel says, "For nothing is impossible for God" and Mary responds, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your word."

How the legions of angels  must have held their breath, not daring to move for fear they would miss her response. Surely Gabriel returned to a Heavenly celebration filled with cheers of praise and thanksgiving for God's sweet mercy and generosity.

Music and laughter fills the skies as they recount that moment when man's salvation arrives and their Queen is crowned.