Sunday, February 12, 2012

War on Women: Knowing the Enemy

The close knit group of female advisors to President Obama (Valerie Jarrett, first lady’s chief of staff, Tina Tchen, etc.) convened a meeting with women’s groups at the White House. Their aim was  to urge more women to speak out in support of the president’s decision regarding religious institutions being forced against their conscience to provide free contraceptives and abortion to their employees. An official at the meeting insisting on anonymity told a reporter that participants discussed framing the debate as a war on women. 

There is a war on women and, either out of evil or ignorance, the women mentioned above are the enemy.

We in South Texas read almost daily about tortured and maimed bodies of Mexican men and women dumped in mass graves by drug cartels aided by corrupt police and politicians.

The consequences of this War on Mexicans.

Today's newspaper had an article about yet another dumping; improperly disposed of fetuses dumped in a landfill by two Texas women's clinics and an Illinois waste disposal company. 

The consequences of this War on Women.

We women have to ask ourselves who is really on our side.

  • Is it women and men who push reproductive rights for women so that we have the so called freedom to terminate our God given gift to procreate, to nurture, and to love?  

  • Who demand that we be provided cancer causing, clot risking chemicals as the only answer to determining when we or if we have children? 

  • Who tell us that if these chemicals we ingest fail to stop a pregnancy we should freely terminate the life within and dump it?  

  • Who tirelessly work to discredit the religion founded by Jesus Himself; our Creator who during His Earthly ministry treated women with equality and respect?

Women are created to love, to teach others to love and to lead from the heart.  People who are led by the heart do not kill life, especially not life within their very being.

We women are being duped by the very people who should be looking out for us. Women are equal to men, but they are not the same. The War on Women will only be won by their side when women no longer value their femininity and feel empowered to lead through love. Women's  power comes from our femininity not in spite of it.  

So ask yourself, who is the enemy?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Warhol Seeks the Individual

I confess I am no art fan. 

I know I should be and go to museums with the best of intentions but usually am in and out in less than an hour. 

Art such as Andy Warhol and his Soup Can, don’t even get the Clark Griswold’s Grand Canyon “nod and run”  So I was surprised at my interest in Steve Bennett’s article, Warhol’s Reality Show, in San Antonio’s Express-News, S.A. Life section of the 2/5/12 Sunday edition.

In it he mentions Warhol’s devout Catholicism, of which I had no idea, so I had to give this Studio 54 going, Factory legend and 1960s culture darling another longer look.
Since Catholicism teaches that Jesus seeks the individual; His living stones, I interpreted Warhol’s “Big Torn Campbell’s Soup Can (Pepper Pot), as our human desire for God and how we should seek to shed American culture’s love of sameness and uniformity. 

Don’t know if that was his intention, but what I do know is that art is always up to individual interpretation.  So, I guess I’m safe.

I look forward to seeing the rest of his collection, “Andy Warhol: Fame and Misfortune,” at the McNay Art Museum this spring and drawing closer to God.